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Manure Transfer Pumps: Canadian Export Idea

Importing Country: Nepal

Nepal is a small landlocked country stuck between India and China. Nepal contains a variety of different terrains including the mountain region, the hills region, and the terai region. The total landmass of Nepal is approximately 147,000 square kilometers, with about 30% of that total landmass being used in the agricultural industry (Central Intelligence Agency, 2016).


In Nepal there is a total population of around 29 million people, where only approximately 19% of the total population lives in urban areas such as the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, where there is a population of approximately 1.2 million people. With such a low percentage of people living in urban areas this means that the vast majority of the country lives in a rural setting living off of produce grown from subsistence farming or living off of revenue brought in through the agricultural indstry.

Central Intelligence Agency. (2016). The World Factbook: NEPAL. Retrieved November 27, 2016, from  


Di H.J., Cameron K.C. (2002). Nitrate leaching in temperate agroecosystems: sources, factors and mitigating strategies. Volume 46: 237–256. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from


Freight Calculator. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from  


Government of Canada. (2016). Port of Montréal expands global reach thanks to new container terminal. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from


Husky Farm Equipment. (2016).  Products. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from  


Karki TB. (2016). A quiet revolution.  Retrieved November 29, 2016, from  


The Observatory of Economic Complexity. (2014). Import origins of Liquid Pumps to Nepal. Retrieved November 27, 2016, from  


Tripathi, BP and Jones, JE. (2010). Biophysical and socio-economic tools for assessing soil fertility: A case of western hills, Nepal, Vol. 1. Retrieved from:


Bachground Information
Logistics and Marketing


Export Idea

Product Description 

The product being proposed as an export idea is a manure transfer pump. What a manure transfer pump is, is a PTO or electronically operated pump which powers an impeller at the bottom of the pump to rotate at high speeds to force high volumes of liquid up through the shaft of the pump, out of the pit, and to the desired area to manage manure, as well as to manage fertilizer levels on crop land as its primary purpose. The pump can also double as a high volume water pump to use to irrigate cropland. 

Logistics and Marketing

This paper is part of AGR1110, Introducion to AgriFood Systems at the University of Guelph, Canada.

The cost per pump to ship these pumps to Nepal all depends on how many pumps can be packed into one crate. The cost to ship the pumps from Mapleton, Ontario to the port in Montreal costs approximately $1100 per crate, from the port in Montreal to another port in India it costs about $1300 per crate, and lastly from the port in India to a seller in Kathmandu, Nepal it costs roughly $1600 per crate. Over all the total cost to ship one crate of manure irrigation pumps is roughly $4000. The cost per pump is broken down in the chart below along with the different sizes and types of pumps as well (Freight Calculator, n.d.). 

(Freight Calculator, n.d.)

Contact Info

Since the import of manure pumps in Nepal is already an existing market, it takes away the risk of having no consumers to purchase the equipment because it is not foreign technology that would need to introduced to the farmers in Nepal. Although it is small the import of manure irrigation pumps in Nepal makes up about 1% of the total equipment imports in the country, where Nepal mainly imports from India and China, but does import a small quantity from the United States (The Observatory of Economic Complexity, 2014).  Due to the high price of the PTO operated pumps, the electric manure pumps will be the main focus for marketing due to the lower initial price to the farmer as well as a lower cost to operate the equipment.

For Further Information

Nepal’s Ministry of Agricultural Development:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

Husky Farm Equipment:

  • Email:

  • Phone: 519-846-5329

  • Address: 7440 Wellington Rd. 17, R.R.#2 Alma, ON, N0B 1A0

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